Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Tooth Fairy Economics

The Tooth Fairy is struggling today. She has been kind to Will with the first two teeth he lost. She apparently knows that Will has started a coin collection; she’s made a great effort to find a couple cool coins for the first two tooth deposits. And, she has probably been doing some coin research for the anticipated third tooth that can move to 45 degrees out from the upright vertical position. At 90 degrees, she knows it’s time for action: finding the perfect coin.

As a mom new to the tooth-loss era, I wasn’t sure what Will should expect from the tooth fairy. Do kids still get a quarter for each tooth? A dollar? Does the tooth fairy leave more for molars? Do kids at school compare tooth fairy loot?

But a new question arose today: If there is great trauma involved in tooth loss, is that particular tooth worth more? Say, for instance, if in a stuffed animal fight, your little brother accidentally picks up a flash light and throws it at you, knocking out a still tight baby tooth, leaving blood cascading down your chin… well, what then? Hopefully she’ll work out the answer to that little scenario before Will puts the envelope containing his tooth under his pillow, complete with the note: “Will’s third tooth, inadvertently knocked out by a flashlight…”

She has a couple hours to come up with an answer. I hope she’s a clever gal; she can’t make it to the local coin store before it closes today. I sense she will go with great trauma in tooth loss = greater monetary value for that particular tooth. It only makes sense… right?

